Shinken Gata Taijutsu and Bikenjutsu Seminar with
Daishihan Ercan Sarbat
About Ercan Sarbat
We are pleased to welcome Ercan Sensei for the first time in Austria
He has been practicing Bujinkan since 1990. He passed his 5th Dan test at the first time which was performed from Hatsumi Sensei in 2005. He became Dai Shihan in 2018. He did many club and concert security business in the 90's. He has protected many celebrities such as Guns'n Roses, Metallica, Michael Jackson, Madonna. His company provided all the security for many famous clubs in Istanbul like China White, Pasha, Roxy. Before Bujinkan, he practiced also Kyokushin Kai Karate, Wing Tsun, Aikido, Kendo, Iaido, Freestyle Kung Fu and Shaolin Kung Fu. He trained also kickboxing for a few years. He gave many seminars in Germany (Zanshinkai 2016), Switzerland, Macedonia and Egypt.
When: 30.09.2023 - 01.10.2023
Where: Schulstrasse 3, 8111 Judendorf Strassengel, Steiermark, Austria
Costs: Two days 90 €, one day 65 € (early bird expires on 30.06)
Here are useful information for your trip
Seminar will take place in Judendorf small city close to Graz. The exact Address is Schulstrasse 3, 8111 Judendorf Strassengel. Parking is free around the school yard at the weekends. For accomodation we recommend you a closeby restaurant and guest house called "Gasthaus Lammer". There are only 20 rooms available, so make sure that you book in advance. There is also a possiblility to camp close to the school yard. If you are interested in camping during the seminar, please contact us. The second biggest city in Austria, Graz is also 15 minutes by car and 7 minutes by train. You can also book your accomodation close to main railway station in Graz
Saturday, 30.09
Registration 10:00 - 10:30
Training 10:30 - 13:30
Break 13:30 - 14:15
Training 14:15 - 17:30
Sunday, 01.10
Training 10:00 - 13:0
Break 13:00 - 13:45
Training 13:45 - 16:00